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Generator til skriveopfordring

Velkommen til Generator til skriveopfordring! Brug denne idegenerator til at generere tusindvis af muligheder for skriveanvisninger. Hav det sjovt!

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Så mange ideer, men kan jeg bruge skriveanvisninger gratis?

Alle tilfældige skriveanvisninger skabt med dette værktøj er 100% gratis at bruge uden behov for at give kredit (selvom vi sætter pris på den lejlighedsvise omtale). Vær lidt forsigtig, da der altid er en lille chance for, at en idé allerede tilhører nogen anden.

Er der en grænse for, hvor meget jeg kan generere med denne tilfældige Generator til skriveopfordring?

Der er tusindvis af skriveanvisninger i dette Generator til skriveopfordring, så du behøver ikke bekymre dig om, at vi løber tør snart. Bare hyg dig med det.

For endnu flere ideer og nogle ekstra muligheder, skal du også tjekke Generator til skriveopfordring på The Story Shack.

Udforsk nogle skriveanvisninger

  • Write a 350 word story in the fairy tale genre. It's about a rugby player and should include a fork. Also use the sentence 'I can fix this.' Bonus prompt: There seems to be no one left on the planet.
  • Write a 150 word story in the adventure genre. It's about a lion trainer and should include a golf club. Also use the sentence 'How do you feel?' Bonus prompt: Your character is imprisoned.
  • Write a 450 word story in the magical realism genre. It's about a fascist and should include coloring pencils. Also use the sentence 'Hello?' Bonus prompt: The story takes place in a desert.
  • Write a 100 word story in the fairy tale genre. It's about a lonely farmer and should include a leaderboard. Also use the sentence 'You don't have to love me.' Bonus prompt: Your character has just met the love of his/her life.
  • Write a 600 word story in the magical realism genre. It's about an unsuccessful policeman and should include a book. Also use the sentence 'We can repair this.' Bonus prompt: Your character is imprisoned.
  • Write a 400 word story in the military genre. It's about an immunologist and should include coloring pencils. Also use the sentence 'Whoopsidaisies!' Bonus prompt: Your character has lost someone dear.
  • Write a 800 word story in the seasonal genre. It's about a nurse who knows more than the doctors and should include a bicycle. Also use the sentence 'I've been in love with you since years.' Bonus prompt: The story takes place in a desert.
  • Write a 550 word story in the magical realism genre. It's about a remorseful murderer and should include expired food. Also use the sentence 'Where'd you get that wound?' Bonus prompt: The story takes place in space.
  • Write a 900 word story in the fairy tale genre. It's about a communist and should include a tablet. Also use the sentence 'I've been in love with you since years.' Bonus prompt: Winter is long and extremely cold.
  • Write a 950 word story in the children genre. It's about a wallflower and should include a flag. Also use the sentence 'Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension.' Bonus prompt: Your character is hated by everyone.

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- Martin

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